Category: Hacking
x86 reverse shellcode documented example
Writing a shellcode is hard, documented references are scarce and figuring out how to translate function calls into assembly is a pain. I’m posting here a shellcode I wrote a while back. It’s not a perfect example, it can be shorter and more elegant, but it works and does not contain null bytes – It…
ARP ping with Python and Scapy
Usually we use the ping command to check if a machine exists at the address we ping, if we get a reply (Pong!) we know there’s a machine at that address. The traditional ping works using the ICMP protocol and sends icmp-echo-request (Ping) and icmp-echo-reply (Pong) packets. A machine can choose to ignore the echo…
ARP poisoning using Python and Scapy
What is ARP poisoning Machines on a TCP/IP local area network identify each other and communicate using the physical addresses of their network adapters (MAC address). Every machine keeps a list (cache) of neighboring machines and their MAC addresses, if that list is contaminated, i.e a machine on that list will have the wrong MAC…